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Offline Breeze-O-Top

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Time to get some wheeling in! Not a good time to get burned by too much sun.
You need a Breeze-O-Top to keep the sun off your noggin.

Support these fine vendor's that carry Breeze-O-Top products:

Wheelers Off Road               http://www.wheelersoffroad.com/
Rocky Road Outfitters           http://www.rocky-road.com/
Petroworks                          http://www.petroworks.com/
Low Range Off Road             http://www.lowrangeoffroad.com/
Xtreme Zukes Offroad           http://xtremezuksoffroad.com/

Get out and play! :laugh:
Owner of breeze-o-top.com

Stock motor, K&N air filter, MSD Blaster Coil, 30" tires.
4:16 gears with front and rear Lockright Lockers. Old Man Emu springs and a mild lift. Custom angle iron bumper, army ammo can storage. Petroworks dual friction clutch. CB & 2 meter ham radio. And other fun things!


Offline rascott

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« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 07:08:54 AM »
i need a new top and appreciate the vendor information.

the dream story is also interesting, but maybe should have been posted in the water cooler?
'89 kick w/little motor, still got pieces of jeff's pucks, stan's sticks into 4.24:1 tcase, 31x10.5x15's, rear lockrite, kick power steering, some radios(kj6esv), bmw seat, other changes just because. done on the cheap.
suzi the psychic gets me fishing.


Offline tuxblacray

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Woo Hoo.... Topless time again in the Midwest... I was so happy to unroll my BREEZE O TOP and get it on. Here are a few photos from the other day.

I know the voices aren't real.... but they have some pretty kewl ideas!!! Tux.....  ;-)
I get my Sammi parts here, and you can too... http://www.mikodaindustries.com/http://stores.ebay.com/sticksnstones4x4samuraiparts


Offline tuxblacray

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i need a new top and appreciate the vendor information.

the dream story is also interesting, but maybe should have been posted in the water cooler?


Not sure if this was in reference to my original write up / review of this product but if so I will make a comment. If it is a dream then I must be livin it.

I love this top!!!

So much so I traded off my original styled Bestop Bikini Top for another Hurricane rim that will soon become my spare. No regrets....

                                                                         Tux...  8)
I know the voices aren't real.... but they have some pretty kewl ideas!!! Tux.....  ;-)
I get my Sammi parts here, and you can too... http://www.mikodaindustries.com/http://stores.ebay.com/sticksnstones4x4samuraiparts


Offline Zukipilot

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Do you make those for the first gen Sidekick?

'92 Liberty Overland Sidekick


Offline tuxblacray

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Hi Zig...

Unless Greg & the boyz have introduced a new line this year for other models the answer would be no. I will send them an email and see if I can get a reply for ya.

I know the voices aren't real.... but they have some pretty kewl ideas!!! Tux.....  ;-)
I get my Sammi parts here, and you can too... http://www.mikodaindustries.com/http://stores.ebay.com/sticksnstones4x4samuraiparts


Offline Zukipilot

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Awesome, let me know what you find out... That would look awesome on the Kick  8)
'92 Liberty Overland Sidekick


Offline Breeze-O-Top

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Hi Tux,

Looking good out there! Pretty sharp rig.

Zukipilot, we are only making tops for the Sammy right now. We are having a hard time keeping the Fastback in stock. We sold out last week and just got a batch in this morning.

I got some wheeling  in a few weeks ago and that was fun. Looking forward for more runs before the summer heat hits the desert.

Owner of breeze-o-top.com

Stock motor, K&N air filter, MSD Blaster Coil, 30" tires.
4:16 gears with front and rear Lockright Lockers. Old Man Emu springs and a mild lift. Custom angle iron bumper, army ammo can storage. Petroworks dual friction clutch. CB & 2 meter ham radio. And other fun things!


Offline tuxblacray

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Thanks Greg,

It's startin to come along.... I've been showin off your great top on the different Zuk Forums. Also gearin up for the 4wd & off road Jamboree again. I gave out all of your flyers and info easily last year. If you could send me more we will do a repeat performance.

                                                               Tux...  8)
I know the voices aren't real.... but they have some pretty kewl ideas!!! Tux.....  ;-)
I get my Sammi parts here, and you can too... http://www.mikodaindustries.com/http://stores.ebay.com/sticksnstones4x4samuraiparts


Offline Zukipilot

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Hi Tux,

Looking good out there! Pretty sharp rig.

Zukipilot, we are only making tops for the Sammy right now. We are having a hard time keeping the Fastback in stock. We sold out last week and just got a batch in this morning.

I got some wheeling  in a few weeks ago and that was fun. Looking forward for more runs before the summer heat hits the desert.


Any plans on making this design for the kick later? It would look really good on one.

'92 Liberty Overland Sidekick


Offline Breeze-O-Top

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    • Breeze-O-Top Safari and Bikini Tops.
Sorry Zig, not plans to date.
Owner of breeze-o-top.com

Stock motor, K&N air filter, MSD Blaster Coil, 30" tires.
4:16 gears with front and rear Lockright Lockers. Old Man Emu springs and a mild lift. Custom angle iron bumper, army ammo can storage. Petroworks dual friction clutch. CB & 2 meter ham radio. And other fun things!