Alright guys, I bought my samurai with the 1.6 tracker motor in it. It had the my-fi kit installed on it, the one from zuksoffriad. Myron is a great guy, i hate bothering him. I am 19 years old, never messed with offroad vehicles other than quads and dirt bikes.
I got this thing a while back, drove it for a few weeks and everything went bad.
long story short, i cannot get this dang thing tuned for nothing.
This motor has been rebuilt, its like new, so i want to keep my motor. I am wanting to go to the factory tracker fuel injection. I do not have any of the parts. I do however have the motor in. It is stock samurai computer. I am just wanting to drive this thing, so bad!
What do i need to get, how hard is it to do? where can i get the stuff at?