I agree with you in theory Wrex, it would seem to make sense the any unshrouded areas wouldn't get as much cooling. Rhinoman, I respect your opinion as well, but I've always had this getting hot issue, most of time as long as I remembered to have my fan switch on it would stay cool. During that heat last summer in NC though, I was having cooling issues all day. I went through everything in the cooling system, pulled the rad and checked for blockage, it flows just fine, new water pump when I did my timing belt. I do have a rather large trans cooler sitting directly in front of the radiator behind my winch, and another large cooler for the turbo intercooler below the bumper in front of the rad. There is also the condensor for the AC between , so I'm hoping at this point it's just a matter of not getting enough airflow to the radiator, and the shroud will help it pull more.