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Sidekick 2.4 transfer case gears - Different instructions per vendor ????????

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Offline thebanjoman

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OK,   I'll bite.

Trail tough instructions for installing 4.24 transfer case gears. - No mention of removing rear housing and chain. only with front.

Trail Gear instructions for installing 4.24 transfer case gears call for removing rear housing and shafts and chain.

Except for seals from the Trail gear kit Gears themselves look


What is the difference???

I have the Trail Gear set, ordered from Lowrange offroad.

I have my 2.3 engine swapped, Can't fire it up until I get the 4.24 done in the transfer case and it back into the truck.


Offline thebanjoman

  • 72
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  • Gender: Male
  • ZUKIWORLD Online!
OK,   I'll bite.

Trail tough instructions for installing 4.24 transfer case gears. - No mention of removing rear housing and chain. only with front.

Trail Gear instructions for installing 4.24 transfer case gears call for removing rear housing and shafts and chain.

Except for seals from the Trail gear kit Gears themselves look


What is the difference???

I have the Trail Gear set, ordered from Lowrange offroad.

I have my 2.3 engine swapped, Can't fire it up until I get the 4.24 done in the transfer case and it back into the truck.

Seems I am finding my own answers to the questions I ask.

The answer is "depends".....

Depends on how tightly the  reduction hub is pressed onto the main shaft.

IF you can get the reduction hub off by pulling it off by hand or by using the 'downward pressure method' of pushing the casing down on a flat soft surface to dislodge the reduction hub off the main shaft then you do not have to remove the back half of the case.

If it won't come off using these methods then you must remove the main shaft  to pull it with a bearing separator.   This more than doubles the work.