I keep seeing more questions than answers on the DIY YJ swap. I plan on doing it myself. I am not an awesome fabricator, so if I can do it you can too. I have two samurais. One all zuk drivetrain, had it for years, been building it slow, cheap and beating it like it owes me money. I have replaced EVERYTHING on it at least once. My other zuk is my project, the plan for it is toyota axles, trans and tcases, yjs, 2.0 tracker engine and stretch like elotsips. So far I have it sitting on the axles (thanks to ratchet straps!) and a pile of parts, like yjs, and toy tcases. I actually had some home made missing links and rear shackles... sold em... wish I hadn't. I have planned all along to used Sky's YJ kit, mainly because its a nice kit, and he is a local boy, so I try to support local businesses, and the people I wheel with! Now that funds are short and the nice zuk (generally referred to as the "Red Sammy") build is on hold, I keep dumping money into the White Zuk.
So last weekend I went to the boneyard and picked up some ford shock towers and mercedes arms, along with one 4door sidekick front caliper... that'll come in handy later. I also found some track/kick Superwinch hubs... I'll sell those to help fund this endeavor. I'm broke and living on student loans, so every bit counts! So here is how my white zuk sits some of you may recognize it as I did have it up for sale awhile back... to finish the red zuk... that didn't happen.
It has the calmini shackle reversal, spoa with a Zlink. 5.12s, 34" ltbs.
The suspension was like that when I bought it. I has worked fine, but doesn't flex near what YJs do. Plus I think it sits an inch or two higher than it needs to. Hell parked next to 4RnRick's it sits two inches higher... and he is on 39's! So I have done my homework a bit, and have decided I can make my own YJ swap. I figured there is probably a DWG or DXF files out there with all the brackets, shackles and spring plates needed. Maybe there is, but I haven't found them. I have found a few different drawings though:
(also a couple attached pdfs)
However since I have acad 2009 at my fingertips I think I will use these as a reference to draw up my own brackets and shackles. Then I can go and get them cut out on a cnc plasma table. If I like them enough I can use them on the red sammy too.
Another thing I am considering, it just came to me today, after seeing the asian auto parts YJ shackle reversal, and since I have a shackle reversal now, is that their shackle looks REALLY similar to a stock XJ rear shackle. Which I just happen to have laying around since we just lifted my buddy's XJ.
So I'm busy with school, and am generally pretty good at procrastinating, but stay tuned, I may have some good low budget stuff!