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Time for a new carb?? Or worse?

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Offline 87Suzi

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Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« on: March 26, 2012, 02:48:10 PM »
Well today I drove to the next town over and back, about 20mi round trip, then went riding for another  5-6mi on the backroads around my house. Let the Samurai sit for about an hour +/- then drove it half a mile and it did fine, on the way back I stopped and left it running while I was talking to someone and when I went to take off I gave it throttle and it died, started it back up and tried again, this time it took off but hesitated then it did it again in 3rd gear, I got it home thinking, hey maybe it just needs gas so after about an hour I decided to drive a mile down the road for gas and it does the same thing, it's hesitant at first but once I get it going it is ok to an extent then starts cutting out again so I put 2.5 gallons of gas in it and when I start it up it sounds fine then I give it some throttle and seems fine, then when I take off fine, but when it comes time to pull out of the parking lot, it fell on its face again, so I feather it for a second and finally get it to take off, but it still cut out all the way back. Once I got home I started pulling plug wires off while it was running, plenty of fire, then I let it cool for a second and pulled plugs, #2 had a little oil on it but that wouldn't cause this kind of problem right? so I switched it with #4 I believe and fired it back up. Same story, low idle that randomly builds up and dies down, give it gas and sometimes it seems fine others it cuts out then sometimes it completly dies. I've checked all of my vacums and they are all attached, disconnected the breather from the carb and it still does it. I tested to see if I was sucking air by covering the top of the carb with my hands and making sure it couldn't get air through the top, guess what, the idle picked up and evened out. So is it time for the Yota carb finally? Or the 1.6(only if the damage to my 1.3 is too extensive)? Thanks in advance--- Zack


Offline Boxcar

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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 11:35:08 AM »
Fuel filter?????? Or Pump???????
 Check them first.
Then if all looks good on the supply side of the carb. Replace carb........boxcar....
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 07:51:25 PM by Boxcar »
God Bless
88.5 Samurai Heavily modified.


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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 06:46:27 AM »
 Agreed, follow the fuel trail. If you have a good fuel supply to the carb, then your problem probably lies there. There could be crap in the carb (I hate it when I have to get technical). Could be a clogged jet,bad float valve or other problem. I had a clogged carb that would start and run good until it warmed up and the choke opened. Then it would crap out and run then crap out again. You could get a rebuilt or new carb or work on it yourself. There is a little screen filter inside the carb before the float that can get clogged. Next time it craps out on you, try shutting it down immediatly and check the sight glass on the front of the carb to see the fuel level. Get a good light because it's hard to see. I suggest that you get a Factory service manual to help you. You can download it from Acksfacts. Another good link is

Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 04:11:18 AM »
You could try running some seafoam through the gas and see what that does for you. When I first got mine it often died at idle. I changed the filter, but no luck. Seafoamed it and has ran awesome since. Just junk in the carb. Good luck!


Offline 87Suzi

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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 08:21:00 AM »
Ok guys sorry I forgot to mention this stuff earlier. But it has a brand new fuel filter and there is plenty of fuel getting to the Carb, I disconnected the fuel line from the Carb and turned it over and it wasn't sporadic or anything, good steady stream. I put some Lucas fuel stabilizer and injector/Carb cleaner in at every fill up(fro empty to full) I've done that about 3 times so I guess I knocked all the crud loose and now its clogging my jets/got my float stuck. I think I'll just go ahead and get a "new" Carb. What's the EASIEST/CHEAPEST route to go? I have the know how to do the harder ones but I don't have the time or money. I've got the motor torn down and waiting for my rebuild kit to get here so I can get that out of the way, nut in order to have all I need I need a Carb, and I need it within a week.


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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 02:39:47 PM »
Well I waited all day before making my decision and I looked into conversions and in the end I was more confused about swaps and prices than before so I went with the route I'm familiar with and bought a rebuild kit for the Carb for $48 shipped to the front door I should have all of my parts by Wednesday and I'll post a build thread.


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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 03:53:17 PM »
A rebuild kit should not hurt,
But Bad Idle is a sign of a Vacuum Leak! Check all your hoses, port plugs, intake bolts, etc.
also the Old School way to find a Vacuum leak is protect the direct air intake flow, Mist Starting fluid around the
vac. lines, intake gasket Carb Base, Worn Throttle shaft, etc. ....If you have a RPM JUMP, Bingo Intake Leak.



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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2012, 10:38:20 AM »
Already tried that, so I decided while I'm rebuilding everything it's a good idea to just replace the vacuum lines so I bought some


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Re: Time for a new carb?? Or worse?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2012, 10:24:32 PM »
Check the distributor rotor and hold it up to the sun while looking at it from where the shaft side sits on it. There have been cases where spark arcs through it and causes problems similar to fuel starvation.

If that's ok, I have a N.O.S. in the box, never used Samurai carb for sale, if interested PM me (it's not cheap).