When I got this samurai the clutch pedal sat really high compared to the brake and gas, shifted fine but I knew it wasn't right and wanted to lower it. I loosened the piece that holds the cable at the end of the splined pedal shaft and lowered the pedal. Im pretty sure that piece had been replaced cause I found a broken one in the glove box. Then I went under and adjusted some slack out of the cable, after that it wouldn't shift into gear. I adjusted more but now I don't have the right free play and it still doesn't feel right.
There are a few different places on the cable where adjustments can be made, at the bracket on the tranny housing and 2 at the release arm, one with a spring and the other at the end of the cable. Whats the right way to adjust the clutch cable? Or maybe someone could explain the process as if it was a new cable install and what each of the different adjustment points do.