A couple days ago i accidently spilled about a shot glass full of motor oil on my alternator,so I whiped it off as best I could and drove it about 1/4 of a mile to a freinds house and shut it off for about 10min or so.I got back in it and started it up and on came the charge,sensor,and brake light,so i thought that it's got oil on the pullys and belt.I clean everything off with engine degreaser,water and followed by laquer thinner on the pulleys using a q-tip to really get down in there because the pulley looked really dirty.I mean this stuff is appears to be CLEAN now,But when I started it up the same three lights came on and in testing the volts at the battery and alt. i'm getting 11.6 volts.The sensor light always came on every few seconds or so but i figured it was because of it has a weber carb on it?
I having trouble believing that it's just a coincidence that this happened right after I spilled the oil on the alt/pully/belt even though everything points toward a bad alternnator?