New here on this forum. Have had Samurai's for about six years.
This is an '87 tintop. I just got done installing a new bushing for the transmission shifter and went to road test it. The driveway to my workshop is a steep hill with gravel so to prevent wheel spin I usually put the truck in 4WD. Backed up fine to the top of the hill and the transfer case got stuck in Neutral.
This transfer case has a tendency to pop out of 4 low. It doesn't get used for off-road but does get used around the farm, usually pulling a trailer - usually in 4 low or 4 high.
Truck is now back at the bottom of the hill. (Gravity, its a wonderful thing). Got one rear wheel off the ground. Front hubs unlocked. Spin the rear wheel and the front driveshaft turns. I don't know if neutral locks the front and rear driveshafts together but they seem to be.
So, before I go ripping the transfer case out - anyone have any suggestions?