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clicky starter still clicking

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Offline Zukill

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clicky starter still clicking
« on: June 15, 2010, 04:47:48 PM »
I had problems with my starter a week ago, searched the forums, and sure enough I found out I had that clicky starter problem!

I order the part, install it, and it still clicks... but louder.

After its pop started, I turn it off and it starts up fine.... SOMETIMES...

Otherwise when I turn the key it just CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK

Full battery, everything.

Anyone have any ideas...? I've searched most of the forums but got nothing.
------Terkill at Tercel4wd-------



Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 05:01:04 PM »
mine just grinds from time to time.  I'm thinking about pulling the starter and replacing it.


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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 11:49:24 PM »
mine just grinds from time to time.  I'm thinking about pulling the starter and replacing it.

mine doesn't grind, it makes a loud loud click from the starter/solenoid area when i crank it. with the new click fix installed correctly.
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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 07:21:12 AM »
The reason the starter clicks but does not crank is that when the solenoid pulls the switch contacts in the solenoid don't close, for one (or more) of several reasons - the problem with the clicky starter fix (which is essentially a relay that is used to control the solenoid bypassing the keyswitch contacts and a dozen or so feet of relatively small wire) is it only addresses one of those reasons.

If the contacts themselves are worn or dirty, the clicky starter fix won't work - time to service or replace that starter
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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 08:05:00 AM »
It could also be a dirty ground or power connection.  Clean the battery terminals, clean the battery wires that hook to the starter.
If neither of those fix it, you may have to pull the starter apart and clean the solenoid and the inside of the starter itself (I use brake cleaner and then lightly, and I mean lightly, lube the solenoid piston with wheel bearing grease).  I have had to take starters apart before and clean them.  They have worked perfectly after that.
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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2010, 08:07:52 AM »
I had problems with my starter a week ago, searched the forums, and sure enough I found out I had that clicky starter problem!

I order the part, install it, and it still clicks... but louder.

After its pop started, I turn it off and it starts up fine.... SOMETIMES...

Otherwise when I turn the key it just CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK

Full battery, everything.

Anyone have any ideas...? I've searched most of the forums but got nothing.

This is why I'm not a big fan of the "clicky starter fix"... in reality it's a band-aid fix that bypasses a perfectly serviceable part. It's best, in my opinion, to get your starter serviced or replaced at a shop... If you just want to swap out starters the 1.6 starter bolts in and seems to be a better / more reliable option.

Since you've went down this path, I'd suggest like the other guys and have you check your grounds and cables really well for corrosion. Even if the connector doesn't look bad the copper can be all black and yukky looking down the wire (look inside the insulation best you can) this causes resistance and voltage drops that make it hard for the starter to work... Even a cable that ohms out with 1 or so ohms at no load can have an enormous resistance when current is trying to rush through it.

Good luck, Eric
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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 12:03:40 AM »
I cleaned all possible terminals, no such luck.

tomorrow im going to take out the starter and hopefully work on that.
------Terkill at Tercel4wd-------


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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 08:56:20 AM »
Hi,I had the same problem with my kick,turned out it was the starter switch at the ignition switch,so I bypassed the starting fonction and installed a separate push botton switch and presto problem solved,at least in my case.I'm trying to post pics.
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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 09:07:23 AM »
Ok good it worked,while it does the problem,take a thin screwdriver and connect that yellow terminal with that big terminal
just above it,be SUPER PRUDENT,MAKE SURE THE TRUK IS IN NEUTRAL,parking brake on firmly.if it starts,your starter is not
the broblem,the current is not going through that small terminal.or much better,use the buddy system,have someone turn the key while you check voltage with a voltmeter at that yellow terminal.
93 4door sidekick,5spd,3in calmini,ome frt coils with 2in spacers,calmini winch bumper,8500 superwinch,calmini front skid,custom rock slidders,custom belly pan,frt ome shocks with upper mount flip,4.24 t-case gears,truck painted camo,hence my user name.I have rear ARB,calmini header exh. combo to be installed soon.FOUR DOORS KICKASS


Offline Zukill

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Re: clicky starter still clicking
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 07:12:21 PM »
I checked it with a voltmeter, the starter is getting power and everything. it just clicks.... sometimes it will start if its jumper cabled. I am unable to remove my starter as of recently due to lack of tools, till someone I know that does comes back from a vacation. (live at a dorm, going to college)

OH, when I turn the key the dash clock turns off, so does the radio. (all power on the inside dies when the starter is clicking)

not that its part of the issue, maybe it is, but I found this random 5 prong plug my Haynes manual isn't identifying.

comes from the same loom the dimmer toggle does.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:15:18 PM by Zukill »
------Terkill at Tercel4wd-------