I have a stock 88 1.3 carborated motor. I cannot get it to stay ideling properly. No matter how i adjust it. It either idels too high or it wont start, or it will start and idel fine for a while, and then it will start dieing every time you come to a stop. It is driving me crazy. I have never seen a carborator with so many vacuum lines, and obviously i cant adjust this one. My shade tree friends wont touch it. The carb has all sorts of vaccum opeareated things that i dont understand look like some sort of choke system. Any one of them could be bad. Bought a Chilton book and can't make heads or tails out of it either. I have looked into a weber carb, but hear that the Harley although more expensive are better performers. I have a Harley mechanic at my disposal, so i may go that route. What do i need to buy to make the swap, and will it be less complicted then? what happens to all the vaccum lines? I may have something simple wrong with mine any suggestions?