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Cooling issues need to fix asap!

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Offline MadMaxZuki

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Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:50:26 PM »
i have an 88.5 Samurai and i am running very hot i need to drive with the heat on. when i bought it the T-stat was remove which i replaced and now am going to remove but i know that wont solve the problem. I'm leaving for an off road trip in Ohio 10 hours away in a week. Anyone have any good recommendations for radiator and fan upgrades i can do , or a temporary fix for the time being. thanks
88.5 Samurai 33" TSL, 6.5:1 Xcase Gears, 92" wheelbase, 3link rear, SPOA front w/ drop shackle, open/locked. Soon to be this spring: Toyota front and Dana44 rear w/ homemade offset.


Offline Skyhiranger

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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 07:22:18 PM »
Maybe the radiator and/or block passages are clogged or restricted.  You could try flushing everything out with water....but if someone ran some radiator stop leak stuff in it at some point, you probably won't be able to get it out.
It could be the water pump isn't circulating the coolant....but I would doubt that is the problem.
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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2010, 07:34:32 PM »
start with flushing your cooling system, and check that your radiator cap is in good shape,  if you see cracking on the rubber seals, REPLACE IT NOW.    a cooling system that cant hold pressure wont keep an engine cooled properly.    same for restrictions in the radiator, and poor coolant flow from a weak/damaged/dead pump.   

so check those out first. and see what happens there.   


Offline MadMaxZuki

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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2010, 05:38:27 PM »
thanks i did do a radiator flush w the cleaning additive, it did help a lot. but i do want to do a full upgrade soon radiator and electric fan. Anyone have any suggestions on a larger radiator and fan. thanks
88.5 Samurai 33" TSL, 6.5:1 Xcase Gears, 92" wheelbase, 3link rear, SPOA front w/ drop shackle, open/locked. Soon to be this spring: Toyota front and Dana44 rear w/ homemade offset.


Offline Skyhiranger

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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2010, 06:20:08 PM »
A properly operating stock samurai cooling system should cool a samurai engine in most any environment.  But if you want to upgrade, you could put a trackick radiator in...they are a little bigger and I suppose you could run an electric fan too.  But the only time an electric fan will help is at slow speeds and low engine RPM, where the engine driven fan isn't pulling much air through the radiator.  At faster speeds (highway speeds) an engine driven fan or an electric fan isn't really doing much to pull air through the radiator.  A good fan shroud really helps keep the engine cool too....so be sure you have one in place.
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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2010, 08:29:56 PM »
In good shape, yeah these cooling systems are pretty good from what mine is showing me.   so far once my engine warms up, that needle stays put, moving or stop and go or just idling.   

Another thing to look at,   rinse the cooling fins on your radiator out.  if it cant flow air, it cant do its job properly.    its a good idea no matter what really,  I've rinsed a few new looking radiators, and seen some nasty crap come out of those fins on the outsides.   


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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 10:51:54 AM »
A properly operating stock samurai cooling system should cool a samurai engine in most any environment.  But if you want to upgrade, you could put a trackick radiator in...they are a little bigger and I suppose you could run an electric fan too.  But the only time an electric fan will help is at slow speeds and low engine RPM, where the engine driven fan isn't pulling much air through the radiator.  At faster speeds (highway speeds) an engine driven fan or an electric fan isn't really doing much to pull air through the radiator.  A good fan shroud really helps keep the engine cool too....so be sure you have one in place.

In a normal environment an electric fan shoud not come on unless the vehicle is stationary, or has a very low forward speed (for example towing or climbing a hill in low gear) - under all other circumstances the forward motion of the vehicle will usually push sufficient air through the radiator to cool the engine.

The advantage of an electric fan over an engine driven fan is primarily reduced noise, and theoretically, reduced fuel consumption - on an off-road vehicle, there may be additional advantages, especially if the vehicle is forded or driven through water deep enough to reach the blades - if the bottom few inches of the blade enter the water, and engine driven fan will lift and throw the water on to the underside of the hood where it splashes over everything, including plugs, ignition system, etc.  possibly stalling the engine.

If the water is deep enough and the engine rpm high enough, the fan blades act like a propeller and flex toward the radiator and if the radiator is close enough, will destroy it - even with a plastic fan - if an electric fan is used, it can be switched off before entering the water
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Offline MadMaxZuki

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Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 07:46:37 PM »
i installed the electric fan i found kicking around and at idle it cools a lot faster, but is still running hot. i really believe the radiator is gunked up/ its pretty clean from the outside. im thinking of pulling the t-stat out be4 i drop the money on a radiator, do i need to run a restricter plate? also the first spark plug keeps loosening up anyone have an idea on fixing that the threads on the head look not in the best shape.
88.5 Samurai 33" TSL, 6.5:1 Xcase Gears, 92" wheelbase, 3link rear, SPOA front w/ drop shackle, open/locked. Soon to be this spring: Toyota front and Dana44 rear w/ homemade offset.



Re: Cooling issues need to fix asap!
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 08:17:06 PM »
I wouldnt pull the Tstat,  instead pull the radiator and have a rad shop professionally clean it out.   masking the problem wont make it go away.