I did, for about 2 weeks, I thought either my pump, rack and pinion or some other problem with suspension. There were hard spots when you turned the wheel, almost like something was binding.
Jacked her up and checked:
Well, fluid was fine, so underneath I go.
Rack & Pinion, no leaks, everything LOOKS fine.
Ball Joints, steering joints, Tie Rod ends, everything O.K.
Had another guy turn wheel slowly with vehicle on and off. Could see a noticeable hard spot around by 12:00 on the steering wheel.
Well, I jumped back out from underneath the car, checked tension on the serp. belt and no visible problems. WTH?
Oh wait.........what's this wire behind the P.S. Pump. A single wire with a slip-on type connection to some sort of sensor on the back of the P.S. Pump. So I pulled it off and noticed a little corrosion, so I cleaned it off, put some di-electric grease on it and
it's fixed!The little culprit was the "power steering pressure switch", which has only a single + connection on it, but when that's disconnected, or corroded in this case, it acts exactly like your rack is gone!
I can't imagine how many of you may have had the same issue and brought it into a dealership and they say it costs over $650.00 to replace the Rack and Pinion. I'm sure they cleaned off the connection after.