Ajmblazer's right, it depnds what you want to do. My dad wanted a little more off-road ability without much if any on-road compromise, so he's on OME 2" springs and shocks all around, and he fits BFG 235 MT's with only a little trimming at the front air dam and in the rear skirts (be sure to trim the plastic at the back of the rear doors before you flex very much, or they will get "trimmed" for you!). Only a little non-harmful rubbing results in the front wheel well liners, and the car looks MUUUUUUUUUUCH tougher.
Combined with a rear locker, he can go many more places now, while on-road he's only got a little more road noise, slightly worse mileage, and his speedo is off by 5-7%. He's very happy with the package.