Maybe they could take it apart, but don't want to bother, or don't know how. Perhaps you could take one out of a scrapyard vehicle, and use it for the defective parts.
As far as I know, "programming" consists of taking the tumblers (small brass cylinders) out of the old lock and putting them into the new, in the right places the match the key. Usually, a new lock will not have the right number of tumblers of the right length to match the old key, so you need the old tumblers, unless the dealer has a big set of tumblers he can use to match things up.
I did one many years ago on a SAAB, and it was a slow and finicky job, with tiny springs and maybe 14 tumblers, so that may explain the Suzuki dealers approach. My wife thought I was mad, wrecking (she said) a good replacement part, especially as I did not know what I was doing, and had to work it out as I went along.
Of course, the Suzuki unit may have been made not to dismantle.