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The GV is dead but the wife is fine

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The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« on: December 15, 2006, 05:45:36 PM »
While going around a curve this morning some SOB decided to "straighten the curve" from the opposite direction and met my wife nearly head on.  She swerved off the road and ended up upside down and backwards on the opposite side of the road.  All she got was a knot on the back of her head and an ambulance ride...oooh, and a CAT scan.

The shitty part is the SOB didn't stop.  Didn't care, ran off, or didn't know but luckily some ladies pulled her out a short time later.

Now to steel the hubs and the trailer hitch off of it...maybe the spare...

We're waiting on the insurance company and police report.  I'm fairly sure both will go our way.  The officer seemed to believe her even though there were no witnesses (she knew the make, model, and color of the vehicle) so she shouldn't get an at fault ticket and the insurance company would be crazy to try and fix this.  I'm pretty sure the frame is tweaked along with the obvious damage.

Now to start looking for that XL7...


Offline MikeGV

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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 06:51:30 PM »
It’s a great thing that your wife is O.K. . I hope everything turns out O.K. with the insurance too . ::) ::)

P.S. : One suggestion next time run over the S.O.B. !!! >:D >:D



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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 07:10:51 PM »
Thanks for the well wishes.

She's muttered similar things but I've tried to explain to her that a head on crash with a combined speed of around 90mph wouldn't have been something she only ended up with a knot on her head from.  I'm just glad she's okay.


Offline urbanwheeler

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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2006, 10:45:37 PM »
good thing these suzukis do so well in accidents and rollovers. It is good your wife is OK.
Runnin' it stock with 225/75R15s and an unmodified 8valve TBI motor (I need a doug thoroley header and a cam) (more power) (1.6 liters of madness) (vroom + sewing machine sounds)


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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2006, 11:00:23 PM »
 Sorry your Zuk got trashed but it's really good to hear your wife is OK. Especially with only minor injuries.

 At least it proves the safety of Suzukis.  :)
Got Tracker?
2000 2dr. convertible, stock.


Offline lowrezolution

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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2006, 04:05:15 PM »
Good news your wifes okay!!

I'd hang out on that road since she got a look at the s.o.b. and try to spot them.
We are creatures of habit , i'd hang for a day or 3 at around the same time at try to get a plate number.

Good luck with the insurance and the xl7.
2001 Tracker LWB
Boondox coil spacers and BDS springs 3.25" rear lift/3" front lift,3" body lift. 265/75/16 Durango Mud Terrains. (32")



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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2006, 04:10:05 PM »
Thanks again guys.

I think we're going to wait a while on the XL7.  We might go look at a few in the area but the idea of her driving the Tracker and me driving Big Ugly and pocketing the $300 or so a month we'd save would be nice.  In the spring we could pick one up...maybe...or maybe we get one soon.  Dunno.

Hey lowrez, you still need the lower control arms?


Offline fgials

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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2006, 08:27:10 PM »
Glad to hear she is ok!   Are you goin to be  buying it back and parting it out?



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Re: The GV is dead but the wife is fine
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2006, 08:30:14 PM »
Contemplating it.  Not sure if I want ANOTHER project but depending on what they want for it I know I could sell the pigs and some of the other relatively easy to get to parts.  I'm at least going to try and get the practically new hubs and the 2" receiver hitch off of it.