Well, I got a P0131 reading today, which indicates a low voltage reading in the O2 sensor. The hi to lo voltage spread for the sensor is around 100-900mv. So I guess I will check the O2 connectors (again), clean a few sensors upstream like at the intake and clean the PVC again and check some vacuum lines for leakage. I think I'll just pull the air filter and spray some carb cleaner up into the intake at high idle. The computer is only supposed to trip the CEL when it reads a low reading for 'more than 2 minutes'. My MPG is way down so I am thinking the computer is reading the exhaust as 'lean', that it figures the engine is being starved for fuel and is increasing the fuel mixture = worse fuel economy. Hmmm.
Buster still runs like a top, though. Just not as economical as he was. I just topped off the fuel tank and figured my MPG and it reflects 20-21 MPG which is way down from where he should be. Honestly, when I first made the tire and gear changes, I clocked a freakish 29MPG average going to Nashville, TN (340 miles). Even IF I were off by a half gallon on the refuel calculation (different pumps, etc) I should be pulling an honest 25-26 MPG easily. On the return from Nashville that trip, I had to go cross-country to pick up some bee supplies (I'm talking the hills of Kentucky, here) and even then when I arrived home I averaged 25MPG. I'd be happy to get back to 24MPG if the local gas stations are now pumping their winter blend. 3-4MPG is a significant difference... about 50-70 miles less per fuel load.
I disconnected my neg battery cable last week after the CEL went off after screwing around with the fuses. I thought I had waited for at least a minute, but that's easy to do and I'll "do it again.' FuSe. Got it. I was typing fast and not looking hard. Thanks.