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Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!

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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2005, 05:46:29 PM »
BOV is for a stick shift, it just
keeps the turbo's spool speed
up between gears, automatics
don't need it  8)

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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #91 on: February 17, 2005, 01:19:52 AM »
Cool,,,,, I didn't realize you were auto.

I should probably start another thread,,,,but, on the train this morning I was thinking about ordering the megasquirt today then all of a sudden I realized something.

All I have to do is box the Weber (maybe fill the float, and re-jet the secondary) and use a Boost refrencing fuel pressure regulator with a 1:1 ratio that will cover the lbs of boost I run. Like this one


And maybe I could get away with just retarding the timing for now. I could always use this if Im detonating.


I mean,,,,,the MegaSquirt II isnt out yet anyway. Maybe I missed it but, What are you using for the timing anyway,Wildgoody?

It seems like alot less work and It will keep everything nice and simple without all the wiring and sensors. If I go FI I need to switch the harness, tap the intake with four more injectors,make or adapt a fuel rail, build the MegaSuirt and tune/tie it in, THEN hope all the FI stuff I bought works right.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2005, 01:21:46 AM by HUMZUKI »


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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #92 on: February 17, 2005, 02:01:21 AM »
I'm just retarding the timing for now,
ping has not been too bad, and if you
use 91 RON gas it's almost gone totaly.

Those are nice trick toys, too bad the
boost retard costs more than the MegaSquirt
 :(  Get the MegaSquirt 1 ordered MS2 is a
daughter card CPU that plugs into that anyway,
get it built and work towards the switch over day

« Last Edit: February 17, 2005, 02:02:04 AM by wildgoody »
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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #93 on: February 17, 2005, 02:17:44 AM »
Yea, the MSD is $$$$ but I could sell all the FI stuff I bought for what I got it for $125 buy the regulator and see if I can get away with just retarding the timing for a while. The MSD is about the same price as the MS, MSII, and injectors. I just really dig the simplicity of using the Weber.

And I'll be able to head for the hills when we have to start using EMP weapons on the machines, when they attack! ;) ::) :P



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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #94 on: February 17, 2005, 04:44:55 AM »
I forgot I can sell the Weber for atleast $150-200 its brand new. :P

Wild,,,,,check out the injectors on the right/top. Are those the ones you used? Or maybe two down from that one? The 36lb BoschE5ZE




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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #95 on: February 17, 2005, 07:12:12 AM »

What about this get-up?


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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #96 on: February 17, 2005, 12:36:59 PM »
$$$  for that setup

Yes 36 PPH injectors are plenty big,
25 PPH would do fine

Remember, a Weber, turbo or not will
still load up on a steep angle

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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #97 on: February 18, 2005, 12:20:42 AM »
Yea, Im just going to go FI. I spun my Weber around last weekend so now it will climb up a wall but now I have a hesitation off the line and stall going down hill. ::)

I put a bid in on some Ford 33lb 350cc Bosch style injectors. And Im going to order JUST the MS and  the Stimulator today. Is that all you used? Did you use the Flyback board, or relay board or any off the other extra stuff they have? Also, Where can I get some threaded bungs? MSD has some epoxy in "pocket" stlye. I don't feel like switching wire and gas just to weld 4 bungs in.


One more,,,,what the hell holds the injectors in? Do they kinda just press in and then you bolt the fuel rail to something so they cant back out?

Thanks for all your help,,by the way.


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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #98 on: February 18, 2005, 02:20:00 AM »
You don't need a flyback board for  4
injectors, only if they are lowZ and you
ran all 4 from one channel (MS has 2)
and the stim is only for faking inputs as
if the ECU were in a car running, I never
used one, I did the tests to verify
the opperation of the circuitry as I was

Those epoxy in bungs should work great,
but I think you still need to remove the intake
manifold to put them in, you need to drill holes
and that should be done on a drill press for
acuracy. As long as the "MSD competition injectors"
are the same as Bosch injectors the epoxy in
MSD stuff should work fine, those are free standing
injector bungs, no fuel rail is used, so the clips
(Retaining Clip, Set of 8 PN 2155)
are used to hold the injector to the bung, also
get the 90° or straight injector feed fittings
(90° Fuel Delivery Top Mount, Set of 8 PN 2135)
(Straight Fuel Delivery Top Mount, Set of 8 PN 2140)
to feed the injectors, these use flexable lines, make
sure to use high pressure fuel line.  

Standard injector pockets would need a top
fuel rail to hold the injectors in, Boost will pop
them out, and viberation and bouncing will work
them loose anyway.

I wish I had found those injector pockets when
I butchered my manifold, I have and had (some fixed
and some didn't) vacuum leaks, even after welding
and trying to seal with epoxy putty, PITA don't get
any vacuum leaks, makes the trucklet idle funny and
the EFI don't like it either

Forge on

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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #99 on: March 11, 2005, 02:56:27 AM »
Hey Wild,,,,,,,I Got the injectors the other day. Now Im just waiting for the MS to arrive and Ill have everything but a fuel pump and regulator :D. Hopefully I can get my bros torch and get the turbo manifold together this weekend. I want to get the injectors in and set up too. The only thing is,,,,,,Im not sure how to set it up free standing. I dont under stand why I don't use a fuel rail with them. How should I run the fuel lines? I thought I would still use a rail but it just didn't have to bolt down and hold the injectors in.



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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #100 on: March 11, 2005, 03:18:43 AM »
I built a fuel rail, and if I were doing
it again I would use the same parts,
but I would do it  a little different.

First you need a long piece of brass
1/8" pipe, you are going to solder the
joints so it has to be copper or brass
and clean, I used 3 or 4,  4" brass nipples
and it was a PITA to solder, if I were doing
it again I would solder first and drill out
the hole after, you will need a drill press
with a vice, a good selection of the right
size bits, go easy on the brass, it's soft
and drills too easy, the bits get jammed
sometimes.  You will also need some brass
Ts, one for each injector, you will also need
some good fittings for the ends to hook up
the fuel supply and pressure regulator

Figure the spacing between intake runners,
I think it was 3-1/2" but check, also it depends
on where you put the injector bungs, in fact
do those first so you can adjust the Ts on the
brass pipe.

Drill the threads out of the Ts, so the pipe can
slide through, place the T's and put the whole
thing on a flat surface that won't burn when
you heat the assembly with a torch, solder each
T into place with good plumbing solder, make sure
you have good smooth solder joints and you won't
have any leaks.

The bungs need to be very close to the same angle,
if not purfect for a good seal on the injectors bottom
O-ring, now you can thread in barbed hose fittings
that will attach to each injector with a piece of high
pressure fuel hose.

This is the easiest  low budget way I could come up
with to build a fuel rail, any other builders out there
can input also, as I'm all for cost effective ways of
solving problems like this.

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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #101 on: March 11, 2005, 03:42:00 AM »
Doesn't sound too bad. Thanks for all your help bro!!!! I'll be taking pic's of everything I do so I can write up a sweet thread on how I do everything. Maybe If more people start Turbo'n Zuk trucks some one will put together a complete bolt on kit like they have for swifts. 8) Its a perfect fix for what a zuk lacks most, and on the cheap tip.  ;D I have just about everything I need and Im only $530 into it.

That got me a mint T3, Intercooler, Steel for manifold, MS, Complete TBI w/harness and all sensors and manifold, AND injectors.

Sweeeet!!!!!Come oooooonnnn warm weather!!!
;D ;D ;D


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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #102 on: March 11, 2005, 03:50:23 AM »
That would be nice to see a full write up of turbo.  

Good luck.
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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #103 on: March 11, 2005, 05:11:32 AM »
i was reading today about STS. i forgot what it stands for but its when you put the turbo inline with the exhaust(like near the muffler) insted of on the header.  what about this?  would it be easyer?




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Re: Another turbocharging/megasquirt thread!
« Reply #104 on: March 11, 2005, 05:37:09 AM »
Apparently that works ,,,,,,,,BUT,,,,,,Its so stooooopid! Why run oil, coolant and air ducting all the way to the back of a ride, the exaust would cool off and wouldn't be as efficient, You'd have WAY more pipe on the boost side so you'd probably loose some pressure.

O'yea once you get that housing nice and hot and drive through a puddle its gona crack. Not to mention Mud, Ice, Salt and rocks are going to get all up on that $hit. I'd like to keep that kinda stuff as far away as I could. Thats why Im mounting mine up as high as I can and Ill probably fab a splash guard.

AND,,,,It seems like MORE work. I really don't get it.So they don't need a manifold? Cant see it under the hood? Putting it on a leased car? It doesn't make any sence every thing about it would be worse. I guess they put a pump on the return line or something b/c that oil isn't going back into the engine like that by itself.

The guys over on Teamswift Raz on it abit.http://www.teamswift.net/viewtopic.php?t=12769
« Last Edit: March 11, 2005, 05:41:01 AM by HUMZUKI »