My .2 on the caps, alot of these caps made it one computer main boards, and leak alot, when i ran accros the first instance it was a gigabyte board, i called gigabyte and they informed me that the failure had accoured because of a faulty substrait, that was used in the production of the caps, that the cap manufacturer had purchased from a company at a cheeper rate then the usual provider, this faulty substraight has also been known to cause some drive controler chips found fugitsu hard drives to over heat, and in some cases the chip will actually explode.
any way that is what i go from gigabyte ppl, i had 6 boards in a week fail, so I actually called the manufacturer,all with leaky caps, gigabyte replace the caps "free of charge" and the boards worked fine. all of these boards were 4 years old and out of warrenty, but the warrentyed them any way. i ramble i know. but gigabyte is the only one that will replace the caps for free. if the oard is out of warrenty.