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WELCOME. Please read before posting.
« on: June 28, 2004, 08:30:22 AM »
Welcome to the ZUKIWORLD BBS Forum.

It is our hope that you find this Forum useful and enjoyable. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or point out problems as they arise. We want to provide a positive experience for all Suzuki enthusiasts.

Here are some basic rules for this BBS Forum.

Before you begin, please fill out your Profile this is always helpful for members to get to know you and for you to tell a little about yourself.  Access to your profile, as well as all other BBS functions, is located at the top of the screen on the menu bar.  

Now, you're ready to post... but wait! Please use the search function to see if what your about to ask or comment on has been talked about before. There is a good possibility you'll find all the information you need already archived in the BBS.

Ok, ready to post. Please remember a few guidelines when posting. Never, I mean always, be courteous and kind when posting. There are several Forums on the net that already have a pile of wise acres. Funny is good; rude is bad.  

If at anytime, something on this board needs my attention please PM (personal message) me. Personal messages are just that and will not be posted in a public way.

Thank you, Eric
     Eric L. Bewley          mailto:ebewley|removethispart|@zukiworld.com
     Editor, ZUKIWORLD online    http://www.zukiworld.com