Maybe the best person to ask that question
is Myron.
Personally I've never heard of a "Protrax" locker, but there is a LockRight 1510 made by a company called PowerTrax, the notes I have from years gone by suggest that the 1510 is intended for a Samurai.

The image above is the front differential of a Sidekick, the one below is the Samurai.

Find items 15~19 in the lower image and compare them to the equivalent parts in the upper image.
#15 is the differential pinion, there are four in the Samurai diff but only two in the Sidekick - that is the big difference - a four pinion diff requires the block #19 to hold the short cross pins #18 in place - this is what I
think Myron may be calling an alignment block (Suzuki calls it a "JOINT, DIFF PINION SHAFT) - so you would have to fabricate a similar block to hold the inner ends of the cross pins, and drill two holes in the case for the outer ends.
If you're also planning on installing a locker in the rear, when you take it apart compare it to the front - the rear is a four pinion similar to that of the Samurai.
Two points - first - since you have Samurai diffs on hand, I believe it may be possible to install the locker in the Samurai diff and put the assembly into the Sidekick, and the second, and perhaps more important point - Sidekick aluminum axles are not that strong, they break when used with a locker.