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Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????

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Re: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2016, 08:29:14 AM »
That's far beyond my expertise.  400 HP increase?  At what boost?   Maybe with someone who has LOTs of experience and skill set with engine building and turbo installs along with lots of expensive equipment to monitor out put and pressures.

I'm thinking more like maybe a 75HP increase running modest pressure, so the engine has some durability.

'02 Chezuki Tracker with a 2 Liter and 5spd.  It works for me!!!


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RE: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2016, 04:53:25 PM »


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RE: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2016, 01:13:27 AM »

#1. "robi615" wrote the following at the thread at the bottom:

"A T3 has been done, but its a little big for a 1.6 8V. A T25 is better suited for a 1.6 as it came on a 2.0 Misubishi Eclipse GSX and it's what DropItLow used on his 1.6. The T3 I picked up came off a Volvo 2.3 Turbo, same turbo AfterMarket4x4 used, but I decided against it and went with a K03 turbo that came off a VW 1.8T. Should spool around 2400 rpm with K03, around 2600 with a T25, around 3K with a T3. Again, I'm going based off what others have said about their T25 and T3 applications. Aftermark4x4 used a T3 on his 16V, and DropItLow used a T25 on his 16V. Once I get to the point of being able to install my K03 DWR kit I may do a build thread -- would be nice to compare notes."





#2. "chevy1925" wrote the following at the thread at the bottom:

"I KO3'ed my 92 Samurai with factory TBI injection. Turbo would start coming on pretty good about 2k. It really added a good amount of bottom end grunt for traffic cruising. The hard part is trying to get decent MPG while in boost cruising the highway. That's easier to do on a carb than tricking the stock ECM on a TBI setup. When I turbo my Tracker, it will be getting a mega squirt ECM so I can tune in some good cruise MPG under boost. That was my biggest complaint. A cam built around the turbo with a 1.6 head and 1.6 intake manifold really wakes the little 1.3 up too."



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RE: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2016, 11:10:55 PM »

"We are the Leader in the force inducted Suzuki 4X4 marketplace.  Providing quality USA made Turbo/Supercharger components and systems for Suzuki 4x4's, as well as, Toyota 4x4's!!!  We can handle your 4x4 Performance needs from MILD to WILD!"



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Re: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2016, 12:06:43 AM »

Is this too good to be true for a Geo Tracker????:


"Gr8whiteninja" wrote the following at the following thread:

"400 hp that sounds outrageous.  It is possible.  It would be an insane amount of boost.  If you go to http://www.wallaceracing.com/hp-blower.php it gives you an estimate of power based off of base hp and boost.  If your engine is 90 hp then you would roughly need 50 psi of boost.  I am in no way an expert, but that sounds excessive.  If your serious about running a turbo or supercharger then go with Myron at ZOR or Derrick at DWR.  Both have excellent customer service and make great products."



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Re: Geo Tracker Turbo Charger????
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2019, 07:29:23 PM »
It's been a long time since topic was last posted.

I will probably start a new topic as the warning suggests but I'll post here as well.

I have 93 Tracker 8v 5 speed and of course want more power!

Can anyone direct me to a parts list, a comprehensive how to on installing a turbo on the Tracker? After so many years and countless (I assume) attempts at modifying these vehicles, someone must have some up to date info on this! My other option is to install a 16 v 1.6 from ac4 door Sidekick at my disposal but this swap would require swapping out all of the wiring as well which after removing all of the wiring from the Sidekick... That is a a lot work!

Come on guys, turbo geeks unite and bleachers from y'all!