Since no one has answered, I can say I never have personally. This subject has come up several times over the years about converting a 1st and 2nd gen 2WD trucks to 4WD.
The general consensus, as I recall is, yes it can be done... but you would probably be better off just finding a truck that is already equipped with 4WD.
You would need a tranny with shifter, a transfer case with shifter, a front drive shaft, front axle housing carrier, a front differential (with the correct gears matching your rear axle), a driver side inner axle, both (left and right) CV shafts and the two diff brackets that mount on the truck frame and hold the front axle housing at a minumum.
If you own a junk yard or have access to one with all the parts you needed and were willing to spend over a thousand dollars for the needed parts, it is probably doable. If your current truck has low miles and is extremely clean it might be worth the effort.
If it isn't, just go shopping for a truck that is 4WD.