If the blower motor resistor goes bad will I loose all fan speeds for my heater?
Yes, that is what happened to me. Periodically I would lose my blower motor on any fan setting... then it would suddenly start again. Finally, early last summer it quit completely, in the dead of heat of the summer. I replaced both the resistor and the fan motor while I was repairing it. My fan motor had been making noises for a while as well. I have the fan on virtually any time I was in the truck... so it had been ran A LOT.
The resister is far easier to replace than replacing the blower motor. There are three crews holding the blower motor in the housing. The screw that is up against the firewall is a BEAR to access.
On the Wrangler I bought last June the fan only operated on the two highest settings. I replaced the fan resister for $20 and all is well on it now too.