Hello, i could use some help yet again. I sent my harness off to tt to be reworked because the PO wasn't as neat as i would like to be, and i had a hard time tracking down wiring problems when i needed too. Its 87 sami to an 8v 89-90 kick. I know there is lots of different ways to combine the two rigs wiring but I'm going to post pictures as i come to the problems, so it shouldn't be too big of a concern. Trail tough did the rework for me like i said, (got rid of most of my excess wires i didn't need ect.) however when i pulled it i cut some wires i couldn't make sense of and, basically, the loose ends and leftover bits i have questions on isn't trail toughs fault in any way, and i agreed to take those parts back that way.
Okay bear with me, i just broke my computers hard drive and am doing this on my phone.
First picture, is there any use and what is the green connector for? I have nothing for it.
Second picture is passenger side headlight area. The spliced red/green stripe is for my side blinker, but what are the others for? Some have to be blinkers for the front, and maybe a winch?
Third. The white connectors coming though the firwall having nothing to go to. They are attached to a go chunk for harness that i cant see any use for on the interior. Can i delete this?