you need a tracker/sidekick pump & bracket,reservoir, box, hoses.,
also need a double pulley to run it
My Samurai originally had AC and has a double pulley for the AC. I am assuming that would work for the PS?
The samurai uses V-belts and all trackicks use ribbed belts. So you can do one of 3 things.....
1) find a v-belt pulley that will fit the trackick PS pump.
2) get a PS conversion crank pulley for the samurai (the rear pulley is v-belt type, the front pulley is ribbbed type).
3) swap on a trackick double ribbed belt type crank pulley. You will have to drill the trackick pulley to fit the samurai crank, since samurais use 4 bolts to hold the crank pulley on and trackicks use 5 bolts (unless you happen to have a 94 or 95 samurai, which uses a 5 bolt crank pulley, same as the trackick). Then you can keep the ribbed pulley on the PS pump and you will also need to swap on a trackick 1.6 alternator (it is plug and play into a samurai, using the samurai alternator bracket). You will also need to swap on a 1.6 8V water pump pulley. Then you use a new ribbed belt for the water pump/alternator and another new ribbed belt for the PS.
Even though choice 3 is more work and more parts, that is how I chose to do it, when I swapped PS onto my samurais.