I installed a 1.6L 8V in my samurai this week and took it for a test run yesterday. It pulls great from idle but once it is moving it flat spots. Its not too bad in 1st but as I move through the gear box it gets worse until by 5th I have very little power at all.
Seems to have something to do with the load on the engine. In neutral she revs like a banshee, but as the load increases the problem worsens.
I dont have an air cleaner on it yet and probably wont until Monday. I know that will effect the mixture but should it effect it this much?
Also, I dont have this hooked up yet because I cant find it on the wiring diagram.
Anybody know where it (heated shielded wires with white plug, R/B & B/G) goes? I think it is a sensor attached to the EGR valve.
I also havent gotten my VSS or Check engine light installed yet. I need to pull the gauges for the light and I am waiting on parts for the VSS.