I'm assuming we're talking the J20A 2.0 inline 4 from a 2.0 Tracker or Vitara - I'd say it's a nice motor, 16v DOHC with chain drive - it's probably a good idea to replace the chain, guides, tensioners & adjusters before installing it - they are not problematic, provided, the engine is properly maintained - but - on an engine that has been neglected, they WILL give you trouble.
Personally I prefer to spend a few bucks more and get the OEM Suzuki filters (Low Range Off Road), I've found that they virtually eliminate timing chain rattle at a cold start - in theory - any filter with a drain back valve will do the same thing, but it seems to me the OEM ones work better, and it's just a few bucks more.
I can't think of anything else off the top of my head - apart from the chain thing - if you have any questions - on the motor, I've never gotten involved with the conversion, I'm on here, or the suzuki forums, most days.