Interested in seeing what fixes yours as mine does the same thing and I cant figure it out.
I drove the vehicle a couple hundred miles on Tuesday for a WARN photo shoot; all of that was highway (50-65 MPH speed zones). This actually gave me a really good chance to try and get an idea of what's happening. Sure enough, after 60 MPH, the vibration appears; the driver's door starts to shudder a bit, and as you increase speed, it gets worse.
Now, with that being said, sometimes I'd look down at the speedometer, and I'd be going 70 and the vibration wasn't that bad. Other times at 70 it feels like I'm driving a mobile paint shaker. And it's the whole truck vibrating; not getting much vibration through the steering wheel. I could see the driver's side rear wheel in my mirror, but the power mirrors down't work and the flap around with the vibration, so no diagnosis there.
So basically, it's seems to come and go above 60, although it's mostly there. On a side note, driving into a 35-40 mph headwind at 65 was a deafening experience!
I'm still betting it's u-joints. Since the 'Kick isn't my daily, I haven't been inclined to prioritize getting the drive shaft taken off. But I've got a five hour drive (each way) trip with it coming up at the end of July to the
Overland Rallies and Workshops in Leavenworth, WA, so I'd like to have it taken care of by then.
Bonus pic from the photoshoot on Tuesday:

- Andy