Derek - Good to see you up and kickin!! While you were on the back board I thought about asking you if you couldn't just walk it off but back injuries are serious business. Looked like you were in some serious pain at the time.
Lots of poeple asked about your condition and wish you the best in recovery. I think with you in the drivers seat the the car should get another T -- Team TTrouble, just because there is more trouble when your running the skinny pedel.
I had a thought about what happened. Kris's legs are longer than yours? is it possible in everything that was going on in the moment of landing your butt scootched forward? I know when I'm ridin shotgun I use both my feet on the (nonexitent) dead pedal(s) to keep my ass planted in the back of the seat. In our rig the seat was positioned using a shorter person than me - I'm completely ok with it because it forces me to stay planted against the back wall of the seat. Might be a good idea to install a dead pedal. Miata's and Acura integra's have em so you could pick one up for next to nothing.