I have a question for some of the people who have done engine swaps.
I'm dealing with these 3 cars:
'02 v6 4-door Tracker 4wd Automatic
'99 2.0L 2-door Tracker 4wd Automatic
'96 1.6L X-90 2wd 5-speed
I'm junking the '99 for it's drivetrain and putting that 2.0L in the '02. The 02's v6 is going in the X-90. The v6 X-90 build can be ignored for now. I already know that headache.
The main engine harness, at least on the 2.0L, goes through the firewall right to the ECU and has one connector to the main harness. What are the odds that that connector is the same for the 2.0 as it is for the v6?
It should have all the power, signals, and grounds that are needed. The only signals I can think of going back into the main harness from the ECU are tach and diagnostic signals. All of these could be re-pinned if need be. It seems the complication may lie in the O2 per-heaters and O2 signals. My Mitchell On-Demand doesn't show me connector pinouts.
I think All-Data does but I don't have it.
Does anyone have the pin-outs for those connectors, that show the function of each pin, for both the '99 and the '02?