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Breeze-O-Top Quest for the Truth...... (More Feedback on the Fastback Top)

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Offline Breeze-O-Top

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Some Breeze-O-Top.com customers wanted to comment on their new Fastback Top. In a brazen attempt to sell more tops I have started this topic.  8)
Owner of breeze-o-top.com

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I have one of the Fastback Model Tops on my Samurai. Over the next few days I will add to this topic as I get an opertunity put it to the test.

To start with I want to say a few things about the folks at Breeze O Top. 

Some time back the topic of the Samurai Bikini Top came up on this forum. I have the standard bikini top and don't particularly care for the fit.  At 1st I thought it was because of my 6 point roll cage but now realize that even with the changes that were made to install the cage the Bestop Bikini Top just didn't fit as nice as I would have liked for it too.

At that time Breeze O Top (Greg) began to comment about their new design and style top they had due out soon. He paid close attention to what folks were saying and designed a top around what the Zuk folks had told him. That is the top I have and the top that I will be posting reviews about.


This part is as the company name implies - (a breeze) I 1st laid the top out and admired how nice the thick black denium material looked. I checked each strap and buckle to see if everything was in place and ready to go. Everything was good.

No special tools if any are required.

Snap down the windshield snaps.... work the plastic bead into position across the windshield... cinch strap each cab opening side... cinch strap the 2 roll bar angle braces.... and cinch strap the 2 rear brackets... done. Took me maybe 15 minutes working my way around cautiously as I looked the top over.

Thats it... i drove it around town a litlle today but not too much. One thing I did notice though was the sun wasn't shining in through the back as much as it normally would. It also seemed that not as much wind was being returned in as well.

Overall I like the look and the the workmanship. Here are a few photos:


If any of you have questions that I didn't cover or want to know in addition ask and I will do my best to provide you with an answer.

                                                                                                thanks, Tux...  8)
I know the voices aren't real.... but they have some pretty kewl ideas!!! Tux.....  ;-)
I get my Sammi parts here, and you can too... http://www.mikodaindustries.com/http://stores.ebay.com/sticksnstones4x4samuraiparts


Offline jason hutchison

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Re: Breeze-O-Top Quest for the Truth...... (More Feedback on the Fastback Top)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2011, 02:39:40 PM »
do you have a sidekick version?


Offline Zukipilot

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do you have a sidekick version?
^^^^ What he said^^^^
'92 Liberty Overland Sidekick


Offline talonxracer

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There are far more sidekick/trackers out there for a future market.
Tim "the toolman" Taylor is my HERO !!!

The only GOOD Commie is the commie taking a dirt nap....


Offline Elvis Voltare

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Hi there, I'm new to the forum. I also realize that this thread is pretty old, but is this product - Breeze-O-Top, still made?  If so, where can I get one? I couldn't find anything out there.  Looks like the inventor has disappeared as well. Thought I'd ask; I was starting to feel like a stalker...