An auto trans with 5.12s and 30" tires works OK, the problem is there are
very few gears available to go lower than 5.12, there were some 5.62s but
are very rare, and there were 5.83s from Cal Mini, but those are not being
made now.
I sold my 5.83s and was going to use the $$ for an Undertaker, but the cash
went to other things and now I got a truck on jack stands and no fun wheeling
Ohh I also had 33 13.5 Super Swamper LTBs and wanted to go up to a 37" tire
with an Undertaker and 5.12s, since I don't drive this on the street anymore I'm
not worried about the onroad gearing, but there are some gearing calculators to
help you choose tire sizes and gearing options that will keep you as close to stock
gear ratios as you can