I had to come to work today, we have about 8" of snow on the ground, and drifts 2-3 feet deep in my driveway. I thought it best to drive my 2500 4x4 dodge diesel today. As I was backing out of the drive, I got to watching both sides so I wouldn't slide off in the ditch, however, I couldn't see where our drive ended and the road began, backed across the road and dropped the rear tires into about a 3'ditch, even in 4Lo couldnt' get it out. I then got the Tracker and my wife and hooked the tow strap to the truck, got the Tracker on the road where I thought there would be some traction, Tracker in 4Lo, Dodge in 4Lo, Tracker pulled it out of the ditch. You have to realize that Dodge diesel weighs about 7500-8000 pounds. The Tracker did just enough to get me going though.
Kinda embarrassing saying a little Geo Tracker pulled out my big tough Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel. Oh well!!!!