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Another anti sway bar thread

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Re: Another anti sway bar thread
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2010, 10:07:35 PM »
If it was a bigger diameter tubing it might work, but that would mean re engineering the mounts. I still think disconnect at the control arm and stuff the whole thing links and all outa the way.
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Re: Another anti sway bar thread
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2010, 06:30:16 AM »
K, 2 votes for pipedream...  :P I sure see fordems point... sheered bolts would suck, & also thought 'what if the bolt bent while installed?' Could make it real difficult to remove, yuck.
bentparts, you say stuff the bar out of the way... I've always wondered what ppl do to secure it. Do you strap it or somehow attach it to the frame? Guess I'm thinking I wouldn't want it just sorta flopping around attached only by the frame mounts/bushings, I could see it coming lose & causing damage or just being a pita.
So, what do ppl do about that? Bungee strap maybe?  ???
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Re: Another anti sway bar thread
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2010, 06:47:59 AM »
 I have used everything from bungy cords to purpose built fancy-smancy retaining setups. I am most likely going to go with a small bungy for now, until I feel like making something better ( read as it's too cold outside to screw with this thing too much right now. )


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Re: Another anti sway bar thread
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2010, 08:00:02 AM »
If it was a bigger diameter tubing it might work, but that would mean re engineering the mounts. I still think disconnect at the control arm and stuff the whole thing links and all outa the way.

prior to chucking the bar completely, i disconnected from the a-arms and made wire clips to tag the links to the bar.
held 'em out of the way but easily re-linked.
if i did a lot of street/hwy driving, i'd probably put it back on.
'89 kick w/little motor, still got pieces of jeff's pucks, stan's sticks into 4.24:1 tcase, 31x10.5x15's, rear lockrite, kick power steering, some radios(kj6esv), bmw seat, other changes just because. done on the cheap.
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Re: Another anti sway bar thread
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2010, 02:44:24 PM »
Run into a bit of a snag, steering stabilizer. The Calmini set up I'm using is right smack dab in the way, I think. I was just under there looking and it sits in the space normally occupied by the asb and front mounts. It's going to be tight enough with the bash plate there. Now I have to decide which one is more important. I'm thinkin' that 4yr old damper is is probably shot anyway, so I'll probably remove it and at least try the asb. I drove a stocker 4 door today and couldn't believe how stable it felt compared to mine as far as body roll. That extra wheelbase helps too I bet.  Slow as shit though.  :laugh:
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