I've got a 4dr with a 2.0L and 5psd and just over 100xxx kms (60xxx miles).
Regularly pull my girlfriend's and my dirt bike, sometimes even up and over mountain passes. With the 5spd the trucklette can do it, but you need to rev the little four banger and expect to be passed. But at least i have no worries about boiling tranny fluid.
On average (before installing my lift and tires) i was getting about 500 kms (310 miles) per tank or approx 21mpg. This includes a mix of highway and city driving, and more often then not a heavier then average right foot.
I know you said you're not into bigger tires, but just FYI, with my 235/75R15 mud tires i now get about 19mpg. And i still have enough power to tow my dirt bikes.
My opinion, still the best small SUV out there. A inexpensive and readily available 4cyl with 4low, extremely versatile and easy to live with on a daily basis. How can you go wrong?