VERY good info. thanks much.
excellent link.
i will post what happens.
so far:
the box mounting bolts lined up just fine.
the new steering box is a bit larger than my old one.
the pump pulley is some sorta press-on and i don't want to mess with that more than once........
still working that out.
couple of things:
the high pressure hose needs to be bent around to clear the coolant overflow bottle- there must have been some changes in that arrangement on the later models.
i'll need to find a place to mount the fluid reservoir, and the ports on it seem to be pointing in odd directions. did this mount on the engine somewhere? this one will be "custom"!
scrounged thru the carcass at the wrecker some more looking for useful bits. still unsure where the reservoir was mounted and confirmed the different coolant bottle location.
no new insights. something will come to me......
i now have a crankshaft pulley that seems like it'll work.
i have dummied things in place, and it looks like the stock(donor) pump bracket will line up ok. 2 out of 3 holes line up.
the belt i picked up is probably too long, but things are starting to come together.
so- i have put the new pulley on the crankshaft.
the pump bracket needed a hole drilled to allow the bolts to line up.
i will wait until tomorrow to fire things up and see if i have function.
this seems to work!
i cleaned things up a bit, put in a little more than a pint of steering fluid, and started her up.
belt stayed on, nothing broke, no fluid spraying, and wheels turned just fine.
i thought i was gonna have to bleed the system?
it's raining here, and i don't want to put the back window up, so i'm gonna wait to test drive.
i will report conclusions.
i'm real pleased.