Hi, I just recently bought a 1994 Sidekick JLX. Lots of little issues, but the one I'm concerned about right now is the battery. I just cleaned the battery posts and cables and replaced one of the cable ends, but I notice that the battery just sits in the tray (nothing holding it from bouncing around). I would just buy a typical hold-down kit with cross bar and 2 j bolts, but I notice that the holes in the battery tray are on adjacent sides (instead of opposite each other). I'm not sure if there was some special Suzuki mounting system (like maybe a box, but that doesn't seem likely), or what. But I need to know what the best way to easily secure this battery would be. I'd just drill holes in the tray as needed, but the battery pretty much fills the whole tray.
Below is my best interpretation (from memory) in how the tray is laid out. The o's represent where the holes (presumably for battery hold-down bolts) are.
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Any help would be appreciated.