In an effort to encourage helpful and positive interaction between forum members, we've devised a plan to use an added feature to the forum called "Technical Prestige". Each forum member has this description and their total points underneath their username. Directly under it is the link/button that says [applaud - helped me]. Whenever a forum member give you some useful advise or they do some good deed that helps you out you can push this link/button and the helpful person's "Technical Prestige" will go up by one point.
Not only is this a reward from you to them for helping out this number can serve as a guide to people as to how good a person's information is. Low numbers with a lot of post may mean the information is less valuable.
In summary: The idea is that whenever someone helps you out, you can give them an Applaud to raise their Technical Prestige. It's brownie points for helping people out and also tells others that your info is good and it's helpful. We're running on the "sunny side of life" so there will be no smite or negative button. [make sure you want to applaud, there's no take backs] There was a negative for about a day during setup and if you were unfortunate enough get a negative, sorry (I can't reset)... I guess you'll have to work a little bit harder to move up!
Below is a list of what merchandise and how many points you'll need to redeem. To redeem, send me a PM telling me you've hit the required number and we'll begin the process. We will be adding options and goodies as we go along hopefully making this worth your while so please check back occasionally to see what you may have earned.
ZUKIWORLD ORDER Members may multiply their points earned by 2. For example, a ZWO member with 13 points can redeem for a windshield decal and so on...
25 13 ZUKIWORLD.COM Windshield Decal
50 25 Short Sleeve ZUKIWORLD t-shirt
100 50 Coupon Code for 15% off anything in the ZUKIWORLD Online Outlet Store