Well, hold on... the 97 4dr (4spd) autos came with 5.12's sry.
From Skyhiranger's gear post on the Zu:
89-98 Trackick gear ratios
Years....2 or 4 door...Engine type...Transmission...Axle ratio
89 2 1.3L carb. 5 speed man. 5.625
89-95 2 1.6L TBI 5 speed man. 5.125
89-95 2 1.6L TBI 3 speed auto 4.625
91 4 1.6L TBI 5 speed man. 5.375
91 4 1.6L TBI 3 speed auto 4.625
92-98 4 1.6L MPFI 5 speed man. 5.125
92-98 4 1.6L MPFI 3 speed auto 4.30
92-98 4 1.6L MPFI 4 speed auto 5.125
94-98 2 1.6L MPFI 5 speed man. 5.125
94-98 2 1.6L MPFI 3 speed auto 4.30
94-98 2 1.6L MPFI 4 speed auto 5.125
96-98 X90 1.6L MPFI auto or man. 4.625
4.30 gears have a 10/43 tooth count
4.625 gears have an 8/37 tooth count
5.125 gears have an 8/41 tooth count
5.375 gears have an 8/43 tooth count
5.625 gears have an 8/45 tooth count
Unless the 4.625's were swapped in it's already got the 5.125's... the only 4dr that came with 4.625's was the TBI '91.