pro's: it's dirt cheap, (50 bucks if you don't already have a welder),
no clicking, the traction is always there( i hate when a locker engages, BAAM! that can't be good)
con's: hardened steel and welding is a no-no ( yet I never broke a weld yet!)
on road manners suck
my current locker is a fozzy style locker, I filled in every second tooth in the side gears with blobs of weld so there is a bit of differential action going on but not much, alot of loading and unloading on the trail causing lots of wear on the spider gears,
the only reason I did it this way is cuz I got alot of spare kick sidegears kickin around and is cheaper to replace than a whole carrier that has been welded to the gears. hasn't failed me yet, but I bring a spare 3rd when I'm on the trail