THere is also a 2nd way of doing it
if your someone like me who has big clumsy hands and you overall just need more space to work with (thats a very narrow space to put a bulb in)
take off rear door panel (the whole damn thing is just clipped on)
pull the vapor barrier to the left and out of the way
unscrew the 2 screws for the top....take out liscence plate screws
unclip wiring
gently squeeze the clips on the bottom and push outwards (pliers)
the whole black cover should come off...feed wiring through
flip the black cover and on the back 2 screws will be holding on the covering for the lights
after that cover comes off you can clearly see the bulbs and holders the whole works
everything of course held in place by clips galore...
before putting cover back on wipe down the area where the cover was sitting
spray the wiring to with some good wire protectant
rust protection and lube handle area and any other area you see rust beginning
MEntioned above is the long way of doing a simple task :p but at least you wont have to worry about the area for awhile now....If your gonna do it might as well cover everything