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Online ebewley

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Welcome. Please read first!
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:18:28 AM »
Welcome to the ZUKIWORLD "Local 4x4 Groups / Clubs" sub-forum. This area is for posting the name and contact information for the clubs that you wheel with and recommend in your area. It's probably worth mentioning that the clubs do not have to be "Suzuki only" clubs.

Please put the Club location and name in your thread's subject line.
For example:  Salem, Oregon - Mid Valley Crawlers

If you or your club doesn't have internet resources and you would like a forum/gallery resource like the zUkTAH and FLOZUKI clubs, let me know and I'll work with you to set up an area for your club to connect online.

Thank you, Eric
Eric L. Bewley                               
Editor, ZUKIWORLD Online                   

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