Do what you should do with every new-to-you vehicle, and ESPECIALLY a vehicle that might me taking you far off the beaten path. Get a manual (FSM, or Chilton) and go through the vehicle from one end to the other. Replace all fluids (oil, coolant, breaks, diff, t-case, trans etc), do a full tuneup (that includes timing belt & valve adjustment) and go through the whole emissions chapter (which will direct you on how to test most of the parts that could be worn out and cause engine problems). Follow the black wire off your battery, and check where they connect - are the grounds clean? If not - clean them.
Before you change your engine oil, run Automatic Transmission Fluid in it for about 1/2 a tank of gas - ATF his a super-high detergent package, and is the cheapest / safest / best way to flush that old oil out. DO NOT use ANY, NONE, ZIP oil additives after doing your oil change (until you're ready to flush the engine just before your next oil change again). Flushing an engine for a few miles = okay, running oil additives for 3000+ miles is bad (it throws the balance of the detergent package off too much for too long, and will eventually make bad things happen in your engine).
Jeff's spacers are by far the most bang-for-your-buck lift out there. A 1/5 or 2" lift for $200? Can't beat that. Stay with 29" tires - don't go bigger - you'll thank me later.