I got this 2.7L V6 early summer to install in my 93 Tracker, but kept on using the Tracker. Since NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION, I sold the Tracker 1.6L 8v and will deliver it tomorrow. So if I want to 4X I have to get to work on the conversion.
1st step: Remove old motor. (done)
Now it looks empty enough.
2nd step: Size up installation.
It looks a little bigger in the air, then it did settling on the floor.
And YES, it is a little bigger going in too
This exhaust can has to squeeze in there?
I may have to move a few things to get it in, but it should fit. I know Eric has squeezed at least one in, so it can be done. I have to get some more parts for this new motor (it was not just rear ended, appears to have had front damage too). Water pump is shot (now that appears to be a major tear down to replace). I have some other modifications I want to pursue while the Tracker is OOS, so this build will take some time. BUT, it is started.
I am going to beef up my diff mounts so they do not break with a little more hp. (Broke one earlier this summer.)