Got some new progress done on my sami. Been working on a power steering pump bracket to support my Toy pump. It was a very time consuming thing to make for some reason, just a lot of trial and error. It is all done and in as for about an hour ago.
I started out with a stock Toyota P/S pump bracket, then chopped off the back of it at an angle to get the hoses aiming in the right direction.

It came out looking like this.

Then made a bracket to mount to the engine and for a hing point.

Had to have a way to tighten it all up so made up a bracket for that, luckily the 1.3L had a tab in a perfect place!

And there she is all mounted up!

Just need to mount the P/S reservoir and rout the lines then i should be good to go.
Im not sure if store bought lines will fit the bill, im running low on room and the lines are a wee bit big. I think i will have to do something along the lines of making them or modifying them. Anyone have and experience in doing this?
More to come soon, waiting on my Drive line from high angle still, and have to rout some hard lines for my breaks. about road/trail worth (need to make front D-line)
More to come