Some SOB egged the hood of our azure gray 2006 last night. By the time I got outside and saw it the paint came off with the egg. Called the police and insurance company. However we have a $250 deductable. Bodyshop wants $278 to fix it ouch Merry Christmas from some buttholes
Yeah, that's tough. There always seems to be be an idiot around somewhere that has no respect for other people or their property. Losers... they would make great poster children for supporting birth control or abortion.
As far as your current dilemma, you were willing to settle for a $250.00 deductable to save a few $$$ when you bought the insurance, so what is the complaint? If you want to be cheap about it, lower your deductable, wait a month and file a claim, but then that's cheating.
If it were me, I'd find a good body shop and fix it on my own. Then reconsider your deductables on what you can afford or would be willing to pay for future claims. There is not really that big of a difference in cost when I lowered the deductables on my vehicles from $250.00 to $100.00, maybe $60.00 a month more.
Good luck and sorry to hear about your loss...