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new to forum
« on: June 20, 2006, 11:30:24 PM »
Hey everybody,new to the forum here and thought I whould get a second opinion on my plans. I have a 1994 geo tracker that im building.Right now it just has Digger's 1.5 inch coil spacers,but installing the 3'calmini body lift along with the 3' susp lift real soon.My question is do I need to take the bigger spring bushings(spacers)off and put the stock back in? I dont want to destroy my cv's . I plan on running 31' or 32' bfg muds with 4.4.1 t case gears with a spool in rear,and locker in fron't  as a start.

Ive always built solid axel yota's and fords, and not realy fond of ifs .
What are the cons of the IFS on the tracker/kick,far as weakness with the plans ive listed?
I live in utah so I am looking for durrabilty in the rocks, as with the best articulation for the track/kick.
Any opinions whould be awesome.

Fletcher :)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2006, 03:01:36 AM by fletcher »
<a href="http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd126/fletcher9160/?action=view&current=Zuktahgreenblur.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd126/fletcher9160/Zuktahgreenblur.jpg" border="0" alt="Zuktah club sticker"></a>TJ
96 kick 4 door with custom 3 inch susp lift and pre runner front bumper,2 inch bod


Offline SnoFalls

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Re: new to forum
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 12:22:20 PM »
2dr or 4dr? auto or manual? DD or not?

For that size tire, you should be good with just the spacers and BL ... might need some minor trimmin at full flex, but very minor stuff.

The 3" calmini susp lift is well designed, but many say it's too stiff (no experience here tho). One nice thing about it is it's complete in that it has a spacer for the rear diff, helps fix the CV geometry, get's the struts at the right place, etc ... your $$$, your rig, your choices.

For me, most "rocks" are never dry, so I generally loose traction before a CV goes, but I have blown a few and usually when ... at full droop, getting on it, and dropping a tire back into traction. I did pop a CV once where the front was flexed and had traction and tried to power up and over (rather than "bumping" it up and over).

I think you should add some sliders into your build plans! Even with a 3" BL, you WILL smack the rockers. In a 4dr, a gas tank lift will be a must, and probably some good bumpers. I've never hit my tank in the 2dr (at least not hard). Also, please consider a cage. That's one I've gone so long without that I think my lucky days may run out (aka a roll could KILL me).

I think you'll be happy with the spool+lockrite (I know I have been).

Another thing to consider is to go with a SAS conversion NOW (rather than invest in the calmini lift + lockers + ...) ... it'll probably run more $$$ but with some toy axels built up (perhaps including longfields) + the trailtough conversion, you would be nearly bullet proof.

my 2 penneys
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.

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Re: new to forum
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 01:34:49 PM »
Thanks for the reply, I did not even think about moving the fuel tank up,(thanks) and I already started desighing custom bumpers /sliders.My rig is a 5 speed two door,and second that about the sas conversion! I have a good friend down in AZ who builds custom tubular rock buggies and could engineer a  sas for me.

After doing a search on here I realy like the price and  the componets in the boondox suspension compared to calmini,but still considering which body lift to get.
<a href="http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd126/fletcher9160/?action=view&current=Zuktahgreenblur.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd126/fletcher9160/Zuktahgreenblur.jpg" border="0" alt="Zuktah club sticker"></a>TJ
96 kick 4 door with custom 3 inch susp lift and pre runner front bumper,2 inch bod