Update 1992 suzuki sidekick.
Well I had some guy come over and tell me it wasn't getting any spark. So I sortof felt stupid. He then check the rest of the system. He said it could either be the coil or a light pulse in the distributor. He said he didn't want to replace the coil. If it was the the light sensor. So I need to take my truck over to have them test it. He also checked my other vehicle that was sucking down water. Either a head gasket or cracked aluminum block. So the filler car is gone. Not bad for 45.00. If he replaced the part in my truck. that 45.00 goes towards it. So not to bad.
P.S. 200,000+ miles. Timming belt is to be changed at the end of the month. Along with radiator and water pump. Somewhere in there new tires too.