It's a 2000 2-door with automatic, stock as a stove except for fancy wheels. I don't yet know enough about this rig to troubleshoot such problems.
If my front diff gears weren't meshing, then I wouldn't have 4wd, would I? I'm certain that when I shift into 4Hi, power goes to the front wheels. (This is simply based upon how it gets out of the foot of snow in the driveway.) And yup, I hear the noise the very moment I slip it into 4wd. I know what axle wrap feels like in a steering wheel and I've not experienced that in this Tracker.
Yesterday I took it out again. 4Hi to get out of the driveway, and in and out of 4Hi for about half a mile, "in" when I was on snow and "out" when I was on pavement. I was "out" for a couple hundred yards before stopping to make a left turn. AFTER stopping, there was no noise, but up to that point the noise was constant both in and out of 4wd.
My wife drove this rig through four winters before it was recently handed down to me. I always told her that she shouldn't be in 4wd unless the road was slippery, and if in doubt as to road conditions (is it water or ice?) to use 4wd since I could replace the Tracker much easier than I could replace her. So it's possible that it was driven on wet pavement in 4wd in the past. Knowing my wife, maybe even some dry pavement.
Is it possible that I'm dealing with two separate issues? One being simply bad u-joints on the transfer case drive line, and the other being a reluctance to disengage 4wd until I've come to a stop? I've FELT bad u-joints on other vehicles but have never HEARD them before.
(I must research these manual hubs you mentioned. Simple is good.)